Welcome to the Chesterfield Branch of the University and College's Union blog.

Thursday, 31 May 2012



Dear colleagues ,

You will have received a letter this morning from the Principal outlining some proposals that were revealed to the joint unions at Chesterfield College at yesterday’s meeting of the Common Interest Group.

These new proposals mark some movement away from the original draconian measures that were rejected overwhelmingly by UCU members and are therefore to be welcomed.  

However, the College is still committed to cutting pay, including a 1% for all staff earning more than £18,000 and to a pay freeze for the academic year 2012/13. In response to this UCU’s negotiators, acting on the unequivocal mandate of our members in the recent ballot made it clear that we remain opposed to any pay cut in line with both the explicit views of our members and the national policy of the union.

UCU is a democratic organisation so no change to that position can occur without the endorsement of the branch. Accordingly, we will be convening a full union branch meeting shortly after the half term break to consider and discuss the college’s latest proposals. At that meeting it will be up to all our union members to determine the branch’s response to these new proposals and vote on the course of action they wish the branch to pursue. 

In his letter the Principal claims that he is “very heartened that two unions (representing over half of our staff) have recognised that this represented a fair and reasonable measure to reduce our pay costs significantly with a minimal effect upon staff.”  

There are however 5 recognised unions at Chesterfield College. Only two of these namely, AMiE representing managers, and UNISON representing some non teaching staff (many of whom are on salaries below the £18000 threshold) have given their support for the proposed 1% pay cut. We have yet to hear the views of UNITE representing non teaching staff and NASUWT representing lecturing staff. UCU, with over 220 lecturing staff in membership, represents the overwhelming majority of lecturing staff at the college and has made it clear that we are committed to defending nationally negotiated pay scales. A 1% pay cut represents a move away from those pay agreements and would be a dangerous precedent to set.

Once we have convened the branch meeting and established the views of our members we will return to talks with the management on this issue. We believe we have made substantial progress since the initial proposals were made and we remain hopeful that a negotiated solution to these issues can be found.

Also attached for your information is the Derbyshire Times report of Tuesday’s strike action at the college.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

UCU Nottingham University

Just to pass on, on behalf of the members and branch committee of UCU Nottingham University, our best wishes for a successful action . 

Keep up the fight. You are defending all our jobs and conditions, but even more important the quality and serious education we give to our students.

In solidarity,

Nicolas Van Labeke

Vice-President, UCU Nottingham University

Ruskin College

Solidarity greetings and the best of luck in Tuesday's strike
against Chesterfield College management's attempt to impose a two-year
wage freeze and slash the pay of hourly-paid staff by 20%. We need to
stand up against this sort of thing,

 Dr John G Walker
 Chair, Ruskin UCU
, Walton St, Oxford OX1 2HE

Lewisham College

Just wanted to wish you solidarity and support in your dispute at Chesterfield College.

All the best
Pete Bicknell
UCU Branch Sec - Lewisham College, Lewisham Way 


I just received, through the union, the details of your current situation and conflict with the management of your college. I just wanted to take a moment to send a message wishing you all the best with the dispute, the assault on terms and conditions as well as pay you're facing (and the sector as a whole continues to face) is such a horrendous and backwards step.

I'm glad that people like yourself and your members are standing up for the profession. Anyway, not a really useful message but I just wanted to send a message of solidarity - don't let them grind you down.



Every attack that blames teachers for the failings of management and government needs to be fought - congratulations on this campaign.

Hope you have a successful day - very best wishes from Liverpool


Leeds Met University

Here is wishing all he best in your struggle with a vicious managemnet atatck on pay and conditions.

Les Hamilton

Salford UCU

Best wishes to you all today and congratulations on taking a stand against your draconian management!  In solidarity,  Sarah davies,  ucu rep Salford uni

UCLan UCU branch committee

The University of Central Lancashire branch UCU wishes colleagues at Chesterfield College every success in taking strike action today against the brutal pay cuts proposed by College management, which will result in the further demoralisation of staff and which constitute an attack on the education and future prospects of young people.
In soldarity,
Michael McKrell,
On behalf of UCLan UCU branch committee

liverpool community college

Simply unfair.

You must take a firm stance in order to prevail. Good luck with your action.

John Tootle H&S rep liverpool community college

A big thank you !

Dear Colleagues ,

A big thank you to UCU members at the college for supporting yesterday’s strike action in such large numbers. Once again a particular thanks to those members who came along and did a stint on the picket lines. We had picket’s lines at Clowne Campus, Sheffield Rod and Infirmary Road and there were more UCU members on picket lines than at any time in the memory of anyone at the College.

Our picket lines on Sheffield Road report overwhelming support from passing traffic with a constant stream of car horns being tooted in support. Many thanks as well to those who brought solidarity greeting in person to our picket lines from UCU and other trade union branches.

We had visitors from the following UCU Branches: Barnsley College, Sheffield College, Nottingham Trent University, East Midlands Retired Members . We also received delegations from UNISON Derbyshire County, PCS Derbyshire, UNITE Chesterfield, GMB Chesterfield, & Chesterfield & District TUC.

We have also received over 50 messages of support from UCU branches and activists around the country which can be seen on the UCU blog and have set up an online petition which if you haven’t done so already, you could sign up to by following the link:

UCU Branch officers will be meeting today to plan the next step in our campaign, and in particular to build on the significant local community support that our stand against pay cuts is gathering. Over the half term week UCU’s national congress will be meeting in Manchester and the issue of attempted pay cuts at Chesterfield College will be a key agenda item.

We are a due to meet with the college management again today
(Wednesday 30th May ) to try to negotiate a settlement to the current dispute and once again hope that we can make some progress in those talks.

NUT members at King James's School

Dear UCU Colleagues,

NUT members at King James's School in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire would like to send you a message of support and solidarity. In the current economic climate it is wrong that hard working lecturers are being made to pay the price for the mistakes made by the banks and big business. It is wrong to freeze wages with inflation running at 3%, it is nothing less than cruel to further cut the wages of lecturers

We wish you every success with your campaign and we look forward to hearing of your success in the not too distant future.

Yours in solidarity

Gary Kaye - NUT Representative and NUT North Yorkshire Committee Member
Paul Grist - NUT NorthYorkshire Committee Member

All NUT members at King James's School

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

National Union of Teachers,

Dear Chesterfield College strikers,

Birmingham NUT applauds your action on 29th May against the ongoing attacks that Cameron, Gove and their Principal puppets are trying to impose in FE. Your campaign stands as an absolute inspiration to all who want to stand up for decent education for all rather then a marketised and de-regulated system run in the interests of the few. Your actions help foster a spirit that we can resist these attacks and stand up for decent pay. In Birmingham, despite setbacks, we are continuing to campaign over academies and are hoping to copy your example of industrial action which we plan to couple with parental campaigns to force Gove to back down.

On 7th October we will be part of the TUC demonstration at the Tory party conference here in Birmingham. We look forward to welcoming you here, carrying, by then your victorious banners!

Well done for Tuesday, and victory to the Chesterfield College strikers and state education.

Doug Morgan
Assistant Secretary of Birmingham Association of the National Union of Teachers,

University of Leeds UCU

Leeds University UCU send a message of solidarity on your strike day.

We stand shoulder to shoulder with you against your employers’ brutal attacks on your jobs and conditions of service.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for further support.

In solidarity

Malcolm Povey
Immediate Past President, University of Leeds UCU

York College

I know it's not much, but just a word of support in your entirely justified
action. There is no justification for these cuts as FE should be able to
survive financially even in these demanding times  .. sounds like poor
management and/or just another chapter in driving the profession down.

Good luck, petition signed  ..

Best wishes


Calderdale College

Keep up the fight !!!!
Arden Simpson
Calderdale College Main Grade Lecturer (MGL)
Branch Secretary (UCU)


Hello brothers and sisters
This is a word support to you in your fight.
I realise this a bit of a meagre offering , but this is likely to be the start of a long and difficult time
and you may need more substantial support then.

Strode College Branch UCU

To all members of Chesterfield College Branch UCU
Strode College Branch UCU have just held our AGM followed by an OGM at which a motion of support for Chesterfield College was proposed. Members at Strode are appalled by the outrageous acts of Chesterfield College management and applaud the action of Chesterfield College Branch members. Your decisive action is an inspiration to our members who unanimously support you.
In solidarity
Ben Boydell
Secretary, Strode Branch UCU, on behalf of all members at Strode College

Strength In Unity

Monday, 28 May 2012

What you should do on the strike day.

·         Join the Strike- don’t come into work, or work at home on the strike day.

·         Join UCU on the picket lines. There will be UCU picket lines at College sites from 7.00 am. Please contact one of the branch officers Paula Alsop, Allister Mactaggart, James Eaden or Sam Parker to volunteer.

The strike action being taken by UCU on May 29th is fully legal and complies with all trade union laws. As a union member taking lawful action you are fully protected.

Strike May 29th 2012

Chesterfield College UCU branch voted overwhelmingly (1 vote against) to support the call for strike action at the College on Tuesday May 29th.

Therefore all UCU members are instructed to support the strike and not to work

The strike action being taken by UCU on May 29th is fully legal and complies with all trade union laws. As a union member taking lawful action you are fully protected.

Epping Forest College UCU

Dear colleagues
We have heard via UCU Left that you are taking strike action tomorrow against cuts in the pay both of full and part-timers. We are only too well aware that what Chesterfield College management are trying on now, other FE managements will attempt tomorrow if they are not stopped immediately. Therefore in a very real sense your fight is our fight. We hope that your strike is solid and successful and we send solidarity greetings.

Kim Begley        
Rob Bramwich
Liam Cullen

Branch Officers

Hull UCU Secretary

Dear James,
Hull University UCU Branch Commtittee wishes to express its solidarity with Chesterfield Branch in its current situation.
Best wishes and good luck.
Linda Clements, Hull UCU Secretary.

UCU Norton and Peaks College

I'm absolutely appalled at the attacks on your jobs, contracts and
terem and condition by your horrendous management! We had very
similar threats made to out members last year and successfuly stopped
any redundencies. I'm sure with the full backing of your members you
all can make your management listen to common sense!
 Please accept my full support and solidarity and I hope to manage to
get down to visit you all on the picket lines!
 Best Regards,
 Mark Hurdus
 UCU Treasurer & Health and Safety Rep
The Sheffield College


Good luck with your strike action tomorrow.

Learning and Teaching Services
University of Sheffield

UCU MMU Branch Secretary

Well done Chesterfield UCU members for standing up to the bullies who want to raid our public services and conditions to pay the bankers' bills. We support your stand and wish you every sucess on your day of strike action. Education in times of high youth unemployment is essential, and we cannot stand by and see it decimated through attacks on our pay and conditions.

In solidarity,

Pura Ariza
UCU MMU Branch Secretary


the suggested changes. I can't join you on the picket line because of dropping kids off at nursery but I will be spreading the word and making people aware of what's going on

Best wishes



Re:  sickening.

I taught in FE (three separate colleges) for fifteen years. IMO there are very few good employers in the sector.

Best wishes for your action(s).


Derby University UCU

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

University of Derby UCU would like to send solidarity greetings to you for your strike action on Tuesday 29th of May. The attempt to impose a pay cut and worse conditions is a scandal that must be opposed and we congratulate you on your courageous efforts.

We support your demands for victory and call on your employers to enter into meaningful negotiations now!

In Solidarity,

Derby University UCU

UCU on line petition - ‘Say No To Pay Cuts At Chesterfield College'

Attached Link to UCU  on line petition , please take the time to complete and ‘Say No To Pay Cuts At Chesterfield College'.


UCU Regional Secretary Yorkshire and Humberside

Please accept solidarity and best wishes from Yorkshire and Humberside Region to members at Chesterfield College in your dispute over pay.  We hope your strike on Tuesday 29th is successful and that your employer drops plans to impose a two-year pay freeze.

Elizabeth Lawrence
UCU Regional Secretary Yorkshire and Humberside

GMB Chesterfield

The GMB Chesterfield No. 1 branch supports the UCU union in their fight to resist attempts to cut the pay of staff at the college.
GMB members will be showing their support by joining the picket lines on 29th May.

UCU THC Joint branch sec

Solidarity with your Chesterfield college and your strike next Tuesday.

Here is a personal message you may wish to send to your committee. I must thank you all again on behalf of our branch for the solidarity your branch gave London on M28 with twinning, and for our big dispute on jobs in 2009 when we went all out and branches like yours flooded us with solidarity.

We are following Chesterfield at THC. It would be good if someone from your college wanted to come to THC to meet our members, maybe as part of a tour of London Colleges to talk through what is happening to you. Your dispute is especially significant among many other battles.

At THC we are in multiple disputes in defence of jobs. Support staff are threatened with term time only contracts - a massive pay cut for the less well-off staff. Principals are pushing through the government agenda when they should be standing up to it.

Hackney College down the road has 55FTE. We are joining them for a march this Saturday. Access closure is a key part of the attack there, a needless pre-emptive cut when the FE loans campaign gets going. One we can easily win, no one in the sector thinks this will work.

One dispute at ours is on the imposition of capability, we were told the employer needed another way to 'get rid of us' in addition to the ‘five ways'.
Actually we leave employment via:
  1. Death
  2. Retirement
  3. Resignation
  4. Gross misconduct
  5. VR
CR would be another way but we resist this, hence a new individualised way is required.
We struck on the day of the pension strike on the 10th of May. It was easier to link the national and local. You can work till you are dead, or work until you are no longer required.

We are going to strike again immediately after half-term against capability. Post-Ofsted this will be the new blunt weapon to heard the sheep toward grade 2 lesson obs and above. It won’t be effective, it will just increase stress. We have called for democratic CPD and more resources to put TnL at the centre of the college.

Our other dispute is over jobs - 22.5FTE (11FTE lecturers).

Among the deletions Teacher Training, counselling certification and Youth work certification for young people.

You absolutely cannot make this stuff up. Renowned as the among the most Outstanding TT team in the country (rated by fOfsted). They are a crack outfit. The cost saving is peanuts but not the point. SMT want us to improve TnL and obs grades while sacking the best people in the sector to do this.

There say the money is not there. We say grow your way out of crisis and stand up for the sector and our students. We won on ESOL and IFL - let's win on this.

We are launching a ballot to defend jobs and will strike on that too.

We are happy to explore ways to further coordinate action with your college and others. We did this in London in 2010 when 11 colleges and 3 uni's struck together over jobs and courses.

Carrot: Defence of community action, practical alternatives and creative thinking to support the community and staff; plus community mobilisation and lobbying government.

Stick: Collective action and a united and national response from the whole union.

We have sent an amendment to FE conference calling for more coordination and campaigns in defence of jobs. Including a day of action.

We have all beat back attacks before, we just have to do it again and we can.

Let us know what we can do.

Best wishes,

Solidarity on behalf of our branch,

Richard McEwan
UCU THC Joint branch sec

Equalities Officer London Met University.

Dear Colleagues,

I read with dismay reports of your management's plans to freeze pay. This kind of thing faces all of us in the coming period. I am writing to wish you the best of luck on Tuesday and also say that I feel every UCU member at London Met will be hoping for the best outcome for you all.

Rob Murthwaite [PC]
Equalities Officer London Met University.

LHU UCU Branch

Dear Comrades

Solidarity from HOPE.

The 'race to the bottom' is the most pernicious of recent attacks on collective bargaining and the strength of hundreds of years of 'organising to win'.  In these coming days and weeks, you stand on the front line of the battle against profit over people, capital against collectivity and managerialism over decent hard-working professionals providing an education for the betterment of society.

You will win because, as many have said before us, in their own inimitable ways, social justice is not a tennis ball to lob around board rooms between ambitious suits to parry and return, but a matter of central importance in the building of a new society we can be proud to be a part of.

An injury to our comrades in Chesterfield is an injury to social justice campaigns everywhere!

Chesterfield, all of our futures are in your hands. We are with you and you will win!


LHU UCU Branch

UCU Camden Road Branch

UCU Camden Road Branch sends a message of solidarity and support to UCU members at Chesterfield College for their strike action on 29th May against proposals to cut staff pay.

This branch stands shoulder to shoulder with them in the fight against an austerity-driven race to the bottom where the education sector is punished for the greed of others.


Andrew Strouthous
Branch Secretary

Sean Vernell
Co-ord Secretary

Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London

Best wishes for your current action from CSSD UCU Branch.



Joel Anderson
Branch Secretary
Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London

UCU Anti-Casualisation Committee Chair, NEC

All support to the lecturers at Chesterfield College in their fight against the imposition of worse terms and conditions. A number of college employers have been trying this on, as I'm sure you know. Thanks for your support for the hourly paid in this.

Best wishes


Jean Crocker
UCU Anti-Casualisation Committee Chair, NEC

UCU Branch Chair

Best wishes and good luck to UCU members at Chesterfield for the forthcoming strike.

We hope that the sun shines for the day and that your management take note of the action and withdraw the proposals.


Roy Bentley UCU Branch Chair


I got the message from UCU left on your strike - best of luck on Tuesday.  Obviously they are trying to rob you and it is hard to see what to do other than try to stand up to them.

All the best,


POL Unite workplace rep

Good morning

I am the Unite CMA workplace representative for Post Office Limited based at Future Walk in Chesterfield and I would like to offer my support to the lecturers in their fight against the 'cut backs' being imposed.
Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the picket line as I am at Hallam University on the 29th, but I wish you all the best in your endeavors and hope that your opposition will be successful.

I also have a personal interest as a friend of mine works within the administration department and any cuts will inevitable affect her. It is shocking and deplorable.


Richard Carter
POL Unite workplace rep

NUT Lambeth

Love and solidarity on your strike next week.

You are all an true inspiration to us all and standing up to these vile bosses and fighting.


NUT Lambeth

Craig Parr


Brixton, London

Askham Bryan Branch UCU

I am emailing in support of your actions against the horrendous proposals made by Chesterfield College.

All the best for your strike,

kind regards

Helen Burley, Chair, Askham Bryan Branch UCU


UCU Member

Dear Colleague

I support your planned strike action on Tuesday 29th May.at Chesterfield College.


Nasim Hasnie
UCU Member

UCU Branch at Leeds Metropolitan University

Good luck with the strike on Tuesday.
Solidarity with you and your colleagues on the day from the UCU Branch at Leeds Metropolitan University

Thursday, 24 May 2012

London Metropolitan University UCU (Chair) UCU National Executive Committee

Dear colleagues,

I wish to send solidarity greetings on behalf of myself and London Metropolitan University UCU to you in your struggle with your management.

The attempt to cut your pay and impose worse terms and conditions upon you is an outrage that the whole union has to stand firm against. Your decision to take strike action, starting next Tuesday, to signal to your management that you will resist them is an inspiration to us all. Particularly as it is clear many other college (and university) principles are looking to see the outcome of your fight as they contemplate similar attacks on their own staff.

As unfortunate veterans of many such attempted management attacks at London Met we know both how difficult and how essential your fight is, and as such we pledge to do everything in our power to provide you with solidarity. Your fight truly is a 'local dispute of national significance' and as such you will have the steadfast support of London Met UCU and myself as a member of the UCU National Executive.

In solidarity


Mark Campbell
London Metropolitan University UCU (Chair) UCU National Executive Committee

UCU Branch Secretary, Regent Branch, University of Westminster

Solidarity from UCU at the University of Westminster, and good luck on Tuesday.


John Baker

UCU Branch Secretary, Regent Branch, University of Westminster

Cambridge Regional College UCU

Dear Colleagues
Please pass on this message on behalf of  our Branch -
Solidarity & Support for your action on
29th May against the attacks on your pay & conditions
From Cambridge Regional College Branch
Unity Is Strength !

Pete Monaghan
Cambridge Regional College
UCU Branch

Daniel Pearce


I support your strike against the proposed pay cuts.


Daniel Pearce

UCU Joint Branch Secretary , Barnsley College

The proposed cuts at Chesterfield are disgusting and yet another example of college management using the austerity measures as a convenient excuse for cutting pay.
You’ll be aware - and indeed you were supportive of- our action in Barnsley last year re redundancies, and so I would like to return that solidarity by wishing you and your members good luck with your action on May 29.
I realise how busy you will be but please let our branch know how things go and if and when further action takes place.
I won’t be able to make the picket line but I’ll be there in spirit.

In solidarity,

Lee Short
UCU Joint Branch Secretary

Pheeba Baxendale

Hi  There,
I completely support you regarding the pay cut. I think it is outrageous what your college is doing. It is a major pay cut on your wages and it needs to be stopped.
Good luck and keep up the fight!!
Pheeba Baxendale

UCU University of Hertfordshire

UCU University of Hertfordshire
Please convey this message of support to all at Chesterfield and wish them luck in their fight against this entirely unreasonable and unwarranted attack on the part of the employers.
In solidarity
Jon Berry (pc)
Jon Berry
Senior Lecturer
UCU Branch Secretary
University of Hertfordshire

Sheffield College UCU

Sheffield College UCU
As Chair of Sheffield College UCU, can i send our solidarity in your action against the attacks introduced by your vicious management.
 I intend to visit your picket line next week and will encourage others here to join me.
 Andy smith

Newton Rigg College Penrith.


I just read the background to your decision to strike and would like to offer the full support of our branch here at Newton Rigg College Penrith.
I am copying in my Chairperson Helen Burley at Askham Bryan College York who I'm sure will also send a letter of support.
Good luck with your strike and if you'd like me to send a letter condemning the management's action I'll be happy to do so.

Tony Myler
Branch Secretary


I was horrified to read the details just now of the totally unacceptable situation at Chesterfield College in respect of pay cuts.
On behalf of the Unite members at Steria, Chesterfield I should like to wish you support with your union's fight against these cuts.   We hope you succeed in reducing the severity of the current proposals.
Bill Eyre
Accredited Workplace Representative

York College UCU

I would like to convey to you the wholehearted support of York College UCU in your fight against the attacks your members are facing. I think all branches need to know the details of what your management are trying to achieve, and the national union has to take on the responsibility for building widespread solidarity.

Please send us any leaflets and collection sheets that will help us bring home to our members the kind of struggle we may well face here. If you are holding a rally we can probably send along a speaker and the banner, and if you are in this area we will help do a bucket collection round staff rooms.

Good luck and best wishes from all here at York.

In solidarity, John westmoreland

Senior Lecturer in Business

Good Luck with your struggle. I have  worked with private contractors and those proposals could be the first step, whose final one is their type of conditions where as a Tutor I ended up earning less in money terms than as and FE Lecturer 13 years earlier.


Hugh (Meyer)

Senior Lecturer in Business

Barnsley UCU

The proposed cuts at Chesterfield are disgusting and yet another example of college management using the austerity measures as a convenient excuse for cutting pay.
You’ll be aware - and indeed you were supportive of- our action in Barnsley last year re redundancies, and so I would like to return that solidarity by wishing you and your members good luck with your action on May 29.
I realise how busy you will be but please let our branch know how things go and if and when further action takes place.
I won’t be able to make the picket line but I’ll be there in spirit.

In solidarity,

Lee Short
UCU Joint Branch

Glasgow University and NEC

Congratulations on an excellent ballot result and the determination of members at Chersterfield to fight against pay cuts and threats to jobs and to education itself. 
I would like to send a message of support and wish you success for your industrial action on Tuesday and in winning your campaign.  Chesterfield College UCU and all other branches fighting cuts are doing it for all of us and showing management at Chesterfield and elsewhere that we will fight back.  Otherwise all colleges and universities will be cutting pay and increasing workloads.
Marion Hersh, Glasgow University and NEC

Fraternal greetings from Warwick UCU

Fraternal greetings from Warwick UCU 
 Extremely aggressive management to say the least.

Solidarity from Leeds Met UCU

Solidarity from Leeds Met UCU - these attacks are an outrage.

Emergency UCU Update

Emergency UCU Update…..

On Wednesday afternoon the college management put forward their new proposals on pay.
They plan to…
1. Impose a 1% PAY CUT on all staff who are on or above point 18 of the salary scale. (This means the vast majority of lecturing staff)

2. Impose a two year pay freeze on all staff.

3.  Impose Performance Related Pay  by only allowing progression above point 32 to lecturers who get a grade 1 or 2 in lesson observations and take on a “junior management role”.

4.  All three of the above would remove Chesterfield College from nationally negotiated pay and conditions. Whatever you might think of Chesterfield College in the past, they have always implemented nationally agreed pay and conditions.
5.  They are also still proposing to cut the rate of pay for hourly paid lecturers by up to 15.3%.
6.  What “concession” is being offered to sweeten the pill? Very generously the college is stating that it intends to add one additional “directed day’s” annual leave. 
Your UCU negotiators, along with the representatives of the other academic staff unions at the meeting, have rejected the college’s proposals.
COME along to the
Emergency UCU Branch Meeting, this Thursday from 4 pm in the Recital Room, Infirmary Road.
Consideration of management pay proposals (above)
Decision on Strike Action Tuesday May 29th