Welcome to the Chesterfield Branch of the University and College's Union blog.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Future That Works

This Saturday, October 20th, join hundreds of thousands  marching for a Future That Works on the streets of London....
There are still some seats available on the Chesterfield TUC Coaches. Get in touch ASAP to reserve a place. 

Chesterfield & District TUC coaches leave Chesterfield Town Hall, Rose Hill, 7.30 am. (7.00 am pick up at Slack's Coaches, Matlock) Tickets £10/ £5 unwaged.

To reserve your place and for tickets contact: Chesterfield and District TUC 01246 231441/ 07778480484 or email :   chesterfieldstopthe cuts@tesco.net .

For further details go to  www.afuturethatworks.org.uk

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Quality Assurance Improvement Strategy

Quality Assurance Improvement Strategy
Dear Colleagues,
UCU negotiators met with management yesterday at the Common Interest Group meeting to present our response to the College’s new strategy.
The documentation presented by us is attached to this email. In addition to the response we have attached two appendixes;
·         Appendix 1 is the more detailed research document.
·         Appendix 2 is a synopsis of research carried out by Dr Matt O’Leary which is well worth reading.
We would also like to thank members for their comments which we sought to incorporate in the response document submitted.
Management have said that they will take our comments and documents away and reflect on them in detail and then arrange another meeting.
We are also in the process of arranging a branch meeting, details to be forwarded shortly, where this strategy will be a major item on the agenda.
We are aware that staff in some directorates are under pressure to undertake peer observations.
We would point out, and it was confirmed yesterday, that peer observations are not mandatory.
They may be encouraged, but it is up to individual members of staff to decide whether to do a peer observation or not.
Please speak to a branch rep if you require any further information or assistance in this regard.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

TUC March October 20th 2012

The Tory Party Conference in Birmingham this week has launched a renewed war on working people and the poor.
Despite growing evidence that George Osborne's austerity polices are crashing the economy, they are now saying that they plan to continue their attacks and cut-backs for a further 6 years.
Osborne and Cameron's speeches have celebrated their attacks on the 99% and defended their tax cuts for the super rich. 
The conference has unveiled a string of further proposals to attack the weakest and most vulnerable in our society with a shameless attempt to vilify and scapegoat people on benefits.

The timing of next week's TUC March for a Future that Works on Saturday October 20th could not be more appropriate. 
Make sure that you join the hundreds of thousands who are due to take to the streets of London.

Chesterfield & District TUC coaches leave Chesterfield Town Hall, 7.30 am. (7.00 am pick up at Slack's Coaches, Matlock) Tickets £10/ £5 unwaged.

To reserve your place and for tickets contact: Chesterfield and District TUC 01246 231441/ 07870387999/07778480484 or email  chesterfieldstopthe cuts@tesco.net

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Quality Assurance Improvement Strategy

Chesterfield College Proposals on Quality Assurance Improvement Strategy Help Us to Develop a UCU Response:

Please let us know your views by this Friday, 5 October.

All staff will have received an email containing the college’s proposals for a Quality Assurance Improvement Strategy. This contains proposals on formal graded observations. These are vitally important for all teaching staff at the college.

UCU both nationally and here at the college have long campaigned for changes to the observation policy arguing for policies that support staff and which are not punitive.

The Chesterfield College UCU branch is seeking the views of our members on the issues raised by the college’s proposals.

Please contact one of your union officers, Paula Alsop, James Eaden, Allister Mactaggart, & Sam Parker and feedback any views that you have about the college’s proposals.

Already a number of concerns have been raised by UCU members. Your UCU branch officers will be meeting with the college in the week beginning October 8th to feedback members’ views.

Some of the issues raised so far by UCU members at Chesterfield College include:

·        The policy calls for “at least “ one graded observation per year. UCU members have said that there should be one observation unless staff either request a further observation or if they are re-observed following a grade 4.

·        The policy suggests that there should be a pre- meeting between the observer and members of staff to be observed one week before the observation. Some UCU members have commented that this a positive step, however they believe that this meeting should clearly identify the session to be observed.

·        Some members have stated that there should be a right to “turn down” a particular observer and opt for an alternative from the panel of trained observers.

·        However by far the most serious concern raised by UCU members who have read the policy documents is the link between a grade 3 and the college’s formal capability procedure. This raises the possibility of staff being sacked as a result of getting a grade 3 - a grade that OFSTED suggests is a lesson where “teaching strategies ensure that learners’ individual needs are usually met”.

The issue of lesson observations is being addressed in FE Colleges around the country and the latest edition of the UCU’s FE News contains some very useful examples of agreements reached in other colleges over lesson observations. Please take a few minutes to read through the extract below.

Graded observations on the way


Following on from news that The Manchester
College is scrapping the use of graded
observations agreement ending a dispute has
now been reached at the College of North West
London to also stop the use of grades within
their lesson observation scheme. Momentum
appears to be growing against the use of
graded observations and toward genuinely
supportive and developmental lesson
observation schemes with Bournemouth and
Poole College also scrapping grades in their
recently revised scheme.

UCU to commission research into lesson


UCU is commissioning a piece of research to
investigate the role of lesson observation in the
Further Education (FE) sector. The research will
explore and evaluate current models of lesson
observation and their perceived purposes and
effects on FE lecturers’ professional practice
and development and seek to identify best
practice. The findings of this research together
with other activity around UCU’s lesson
observations campaigning are likely to be
presented in a seminar later in the 2012/13

Win at City College Brighton and Hove


UCU City College Brighton and Hove branch
have succeeded in negotiation significant
improvements to their observation scheme
removal of Grade 3 link to unsatisfactory
performance procedures
observation windows announced at start
of the year
minimum 3 days notice of specific
temporary reductions in teaching loads
for staff to undertaking training

Chesterfield and District TUC

Chesterfield and District TUC..

·        Chesterfield Remploy workers on strike this week.

·        Only 3 weeks to go till TUC March for a Future That Works - Book your coach tickets now to avoid disappointment.

·        Chesterfield Remploy workers are taking their second week of strike action.

They need our support and solidarity.

Workers at Chesterfield's Remploy factory, members of the GMB, started their second full week of strike action in their fight to save their jobs last Thursday 27th September. Their strike will continue this week through to Wednesday October 3rd. Pickets will be out at the Remploy factory from 6.00am every morning and the Remploy workers and their supporters will once again be publicising their action on Chesterfield’s Whittington Moor roundabout.

Chesterfield Remploy workers will be taking their message to the Labour Party Conference in Manchester on Tuesday October 2nd and plan to join the TUC's March for a Future That Works in London on Saturday October 20th ( See below for details) 

The Remploy workers need our support and solidarity in their fight for the right to work with dignity and security. 

What you can do.
          Visit the Remploy picket lines. Pickets will be out from 6.am to 12 noon daily from Monday to Wednesday ( 1st -3rd October). Come along to the Remploy factory and join the solidarity protest every morning next week at the Whitmoor roundabout. The Remploy factory is on Sheffield Road (B6057) Come off A61 at Whittington Moor Roundabout, take Station Road (B6502)exit signposted  Old/New Whittington, turn immediately left before railway bridge into Brimington Road North(B6057) which becomes Sheffield Road. Remploy is a few hundred yards on your right (go past the car showrooms).
          Make a donation or organise a collection in your workplace or community for the Remploy strike fund. Cheques should be made payable to GMB. 
Send a message of solidarity & support :  
          Visit GMB's website for more background to Remploy dispute and to add your name to the online petition.http://www.saveremployfactories.co.uk/

Solidarity with UCU Barnfield

On  behalf of the UCU Chesterfield College Branch ,  let me  extend our  solidarity with UCU Barnfield members strike  against  ‘unlimited’ hours contracts.