Welcome to the Chesterfield Branch of the University and College's Union blog.
Monday, 2 December 2013
All UCU Members - Call To Strike
Sunday, 1 December 2013
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
UCU Chesterfield Branch Newsletter
Support the UCU national strike action over pay Tuesday
December 3rd.
UCU members in FE colleges &
universities across the UK will be taking strike action over pay on Tuesday
December 3rd. In FE 70.9% of members voting, voted for strike
action. All UCU members working in FE & HE institutions are therefore
called out on strike and instructed not to work on that day.
Pay: The Key Facts:
Real pay for lecturers in FE colleges continues to fall.
The gap between our pay and that of schoolteachers, is still widening.
Since 2009 FE lecturers pay has fallen by 15% in real terms.
If our pay had kept pace with inflation over the last ten years, the
top of the lecturers pay scale would now be £37,630*.
(* Figures from
Teachers Pension Agency)
The Race to The Bottom at
Chesterfield College.
Here at Chesterfield the situation
is even worse. Since management broke from nationally negotiated terms &
conditions, they have imposed a zero % increase for the past two years. The hourly rate of pay for lecturers on
Zero Hours contracts has been cut.
At our last formal meeting with
the college management UCU formally submitted a demand that we are put back on
to nationally negotiated pay rates.
It is vital that UCU members at
the college show solid support for the December 3rd strike action.
Firmly supported action will back up our demand to be put back on national pay
scales. If we don’t support national action now, it will be a green light to
the management to continue to give 0% pay increases year on year. It was only
two years ago when they tried to stop progression up the pay scale here at the
college and introduce a form of performance related pay. Only our members’
resolve put a halt to that threat.
The Fallout from Last Year’s Redundancies.
All of the warnings about last
year’s redundancies given by UCU and the other unions have been shown to be
We said that the “Curriculum
Purchase” exercise was inaccurate and over-estimated “overstaffing”. We were
We said that classes taught by
those made redundant would end up being taught by Zero Hours hourly paid staff
on bargain basement pay levels – we were right.
We said that getting rid of
experienced staff would impact on quality. We were right. In one area the start
of term had to be delayed for two weeks because there were no staff to teach
the students.
Victimisation of UCU Officer
However we did not expect the
shocking way in which college management has used the cover of the redundancy
exercise to carry out the vindictive victimisation of one of UCU’s elected
branch officers- Sam Parker. The detailed case outlining Sam’s victimisation is
contained in a further UCU document that has been circulated to all of our
Details of Strike Action on
December 3rd.
UCU will mount picket lines at
main College sites, please come along and support your colleagues.
We will produce material to hand
out to students explaining our case for taking action.
The National Union of Students
national executive has voted to support UCU’s action on Dec. 3rd.
UCU is holding strike rallies in
major cities, e.g. Sheffield & Nottingham. Further details will be
The UCU branch is in a position to
operate a limited strike hardship fund for UCU members in dire financial
straits. Priority will be given to Hourly Paid or low fractional members who
may lose a disproportional amount of pay due to the strike being held on
Tuesday Dec 3rd.
Not Yet a Member of UCU?
If you are not yet a UCU member
you can sign up now.
Or contact one of the UCU branch
officers- Paula Alsop, Sam Parker, James Eaden, Allister Mactaggart

Taking industrial
action- know your rights!
The strike action being taken by UCU on Tuesday December 3rd
is fully legal and complies with all of the stringent trade union laws that
apply in the UK. As a union member taking legal action you are fully protected
by the law.
You are under no obligation to inform your line manager (or anybody
else for that matter) that you are (or are not) taking action.
You are also not under any obligation to make provision (set work etc)
for student groups that will be affected by the action. Any decision to do so
is yours alone.
Joining picket lines outside of your place of work to show your
support for the action is fully lawful.
You will not be discriminated against for supporting your union
and taking part in strike action.
Friday, 1 November 2013
Vote Yes to strike action.
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Successful lobbying of Corporation Board at Chesterfield College by UCU Branch Officers.
from UCU members and students outlined the personal impact of these brutal compulsory
redundancies, which were announced last week.
1,000 signatures from UCU petition protesting at the redundancies at the college,
were also handed to the Clerk of the Corporation.
Board members were approached and the issues explained to them in more detail prior
to them entering the college and attending the Board meeting this evening .
Monday, 1 July 2013
Solidarity to sacked UCU staff
NASUWT members attended a rally today to show their solidarity to colleagues who have been sacked or
had hours reduced.
UCU officers spoke of their opposition
to the jobs cull at the college and highlighted the impact on the staff and the
wider community of Chesterfield.
Members watched a balloon release
outside the brand new entrance to the college, the balloons symbolizing members
of staff to lose their jobs.
UCU will continue the campaign to Defend
Jobs and Defend Education at Chesterfield College.
Sunday, 30 June 2013
UCU Update
UCU intend to hold a rally outside the main entrance on Infirmary Road tomorrow - Monday at 1.00 P.M . We will support all UCU members who are facing the devastating loss of their job and protest at the disgraceful process that was implemented by Chesterfield College Management .
We will release a balloon for every UCU member facing the sack at Chesterfield College.
I am asking that all UCU Members who have been notified that they will be sacked. lost hours or have been in a redundancy pool , write a letter to one of the Board of the Corporation.
I would suggest that you outline the personal effect that these cuts will have on you and your family and the effects of competing against your colleagues for jobs. UCU will lobby the Corporation Board with these letters when they meet on Thursday .
Friday, 28 June 2013
Fury as Chesterfield College secret building plans revealed on day staff are sacked
Fury as Chesterfield College secret building plans revealed on day staff are sacked
· Staff will meet local MP tonight and protest at the college on Monday
· College did not reveal plans for building refurbishment during meetings over redundancies
Chesterfield College is under fire today (Friday) for sending out redundancy notices to staff on the day it has been revealed that the college is investing huge sums of money in refurbishing its buildings.
Staff are angry that they only found about the scale of the building plans through the press. Members of the University and College Union (UCU) are meeting with local MP Toby Perkins this evening and have announced plans for a rally at the college on Monday (1 July) at 1pm outside the main entrance to the college on Infirmary Road (map here - http://tinyurl.com/plm8ykf).
Thirteen lecturers are due to receive letters today, the last day of term, telling them they have been made redundant. Five have had their hours reduced by as much as half and nine staff have left through voluntary redundancy.
UCU regional official, Anne O’Sullivan, said: “Staff and students at Chesterfield College have been treated with utter contempt by the college. In meetings with us the college never mentioned plans to refurbish buildings on this scale. They told us they needed to sack staff to save money.
“Sending out letters telling staff they have been sacked on the last day of term is pretty low and to coincide with the building plans we only found about in the media is very distasteful. We are meeting with the local MP this evening to explain exactly what has been going on at the college and staff will be protesting on Monday.”
Thursday, 27 June 2013
UCU Member Update
UCU Campaign to Defend Jobs & Defend Education @ Chesterfield College:
Dear Colleagues ,
I have just spoken to Stephen Butler from HR and he has confirmed that staff within the redundancy pools will not be notified of the outcome until tomorrow : He has said that HR staff will attempt to complete the majority of notifications in the morning .
Could you please forward these to me as soon as possible , by the latest Monday morning .
I am aware that for many of you this week is a very difficult time , as you will receive notifications of redundancy or a change to your role.
We intend to hold a rally outside the main entrance on Monday (Staff Development Day ) at 1.00 P.M where we will present these letters to Trevor Clay to pass onto the Corporation. We will also release a balloon for every UCU member facing the sack at Chesterfield College.
As was discussed at the Branch Meeting this is just the beginning of the process and I urge you not to be too despondent. Should you wish to contact a branch officer for advice: Please contact – James Eaden, Allister Mactaggart, Paula Alsop, and Sam Parker.
UCU will continue to negotiate with college management at CIG. And we continue to urge our principal Trevor Clay and the Board of Corporation at Chesterfield College to rethink this damaging strategy.
In Solidarity
CIG Update - UCU
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
UCU Branch Update
UCU Ballot to Defend Jobs & Defend Education @ Chesterfield College:
UCU branch held a branch meeting yesterday to discuss the next steps in our campaign to stop the sackings at Chesterfield College.
· Public Rally in Sheffield – A UCU branch officer will address a protest rally tomorrow evening regarding our campaign to stop the sackings at Chesterfield College.
This event is organised by Sheffield NUT in support of the regional NUT/NASUWT strike in the North-West. This is the first step in a national campaign of industrial action. The rally will be at the DFE offices which are situated on the Peace Gardens close by the Town Hall
· Meeting with Toby Perkins – MP Chesterfield
Venue – Chesterfield Labour Club
Date – Friday 28th June 2013: Time – 5.45 p.m.
Toby Perkins, as some of you may be aware, visited the college on Friday for the ‘Private View’ exhibition in Art & Design. He was interested to know the impact of these proposed cuts from the individuals themselves at risk and the impact that this would have on the young people in his constituency.
It is vital that all members take this opportunity to attend this meeting to get support from our elected member of parliament.
· Letters to the Board Of Corporation - I am asking that all UCU Members at risk of being sacked or in a redundancy pool , write a letter to one of the Board of the Corporation. I would suggest that you outline the personal effect that these cuts will have on you and your family.
We intend to hold a rally outside the main entrance on Monday at 1.00 P.M where we will present these letters to Trevor Clay to pass onto the Corporation. We will also release a balloon for every UCU member facing the sack at Chesterfield College.
I am aware that for many of you this week is a very difficult time , as you will receive notifications of redundancy or a change to your role.
As was discussed at the Branch Meeting this is just the beginning of the process and I urge you not to be too despondent. Should you wish to contact a branch officer for advice: Please contact – James Eaden, Allister Mactaggart, Paula Alsop, and Sam Parker.
UCU will continue to negotiate with college management at CIG. And we continue to urge our principal Trevor Clay and the Board of Corporation at Chesterfield College to rethink this damaging strategy.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
UCU members at Chesterfield College took
our third day of strike action today (Thursday June 20th) in our fight against
compulsory redundancies at the college. Despite awful weather there was once
again a solid turnout on the picket lines from both UCU and NASUWT members.
We highlighted our opposition to the
jobs massacre at the college by holding a "funeral march" complete
with coffin, mourners in black and the grim reaper. Strikers had brought
along pots and pans and the normally quite Infirmary Road rang out to incessant
beat of protest.
UCU members will be meeting on Tuesday
for a Branch Meeting to map out the next stages in our campaign to Defend Jobs
and Defend Education at Chesterfield College.
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
All UCU members called out on Strike - Thursday 20th June
Defend Jobs Defend Education@ Chesterfield College UCU Newsletter
Congratulations to UCU members and our colleagues from the NASUWT who took resolute strike action yesterday. Once again we had a very good turn out on our picket lines with great support from students.
UCU and the NASUWT are due to take a further day's strike action tomorrow (Thursday) and UCU members are instructed to strike.
As with Tuesday's action, UCU members who have redundancy selection interviews on Thursday have dispensation to attend college for their interview only.
You will have seen the email from the principal entitled Strategic Options Review of 14-19 provision. The contents and timing of the announcement raise a number of serious questions for staff at the college.
1. Why, when the college are planning to make teaching staff compulsorily redundant, are they planning yet another development which will require the purchase of property to house the provision ?
UCU have consistently argued that the college have prioritised expanding and developing their property portfolio above the jobs of lecturers and other staff. This appears to be yet another example of this.
2. Why, if as Trevor Clay states, the new development will provide opportunities for delivering a range of education and training, are they still going ahead with plans to make the very people who could deliver that
education and training redundant?
3. Why has this been kept a secret from staff? Last Wednesday, the day after this news had been initially revealed to a meeting of the Local Schools Learning Partnership in Chesterfield, the principal had a Q& A session at which he gave a very full outline of the college's financial plans but failed to make any mention of this new development? Trevor Clay was keen at the meeting to "bust myths" about the college's plans, but was clearly less keen to tell staff about this "exciting opportunities".
4. Why, when UCU contacted the college on Monday to confirm the stories circulating around Chesterfield about the college's plans to build an academy, were we told that these were not true?
5. Why did the college only finally admit to these plans late yesterday afternoon (Tuesday) after UCU had released a press statement ( see below) noting our concerns.
We were promised openness and transparency from the college. What we have got instead is an attempt to keep this news undercover until the college has pushed through its redundancy plans. The news that we now have gives added strength to the unions' arguments about the compulsory redundancies at the college.
Representatives of the UCU and the NASUWT will be meeting with the college again this afternoon and we will raise in the strongest terms our concerns and press the college to withdraw the threat of compulsory redundancies.
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Strength In Unity
Strength In Unity
Strength In Unity
Support Messages
Sunday, 16 June 2013
All UCU members called out on Strike - Tuesday 18th and Thursday 20th June
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Solidarity message
Present Trevor Clay - UCU Petition
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Solidarity message
Chesterfield College UCU steps up campaign of industrial action
Chesterfield UCU steps up campaign of industrial action
Monday, 10 June 2013
Branch Meeting - 11th June 2013
Defend Jobs & Defend Education @ Chesterfield College:
Dear Colleagues ,
It is important that you attend Branch Meeting tomorrow to discuss and decide on UCU further action , following our very successful strike day last week :
- Date - Tuesday 11th June 2013
- Time – 4.00 P.M
- Venue - S106/S107
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Taking industrial action- know your rights!
All UCU members called out on Strike this Thursday 6th June.
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
93 % in favour of Strike action !
UCU Ballot to Defend Jobs & Defend Education @ Chesterfield College:
Dear Colleagues ,
Notification Ballot Result - 93 % in favour of Strike action .
A UCU full Branch Meeting will take place on : Tuesday 4th June 2013 at 4.00 P.M - Recital Room , North Block .
· Implementation of Ballot result
UCU - Lambeth College
We are shocked to hear about the 70 planned redundancies at Chesterfield. We stand with you as you fight these cuts to education and job losses and will do whatever we can to support you.
We are in a similar situation at Lambeth College where management have just announced 30-40 compulsories, as well as axing A level provision and laying out plans to cut our contract and annual leave next year.
As individual college managements attempt to exploit the crisis by pushing through cuts to courses, eliminating union reps and slashing our contracts which they have always wanted to do, we need to stand together and fight them every step of the way.
Please let us know how we can support you further.
Mandy Brown
UCU Branch Sec
Lambeth College
Friday, 24 May 2013
Defend Jobs & Defend Education @ Chesterfield College
UCU are campaigning in Chesterfield Town Centre on Saturday 25th May 2013 from 11.00 A.M – 1.00 P.M – ( Stall
In front of Market)
Please come and support your campaign
- Defend Jobs & Defend Education @
Chesterfield College
In front of Market)
Please come and support your campaign
- Defend Jobs & Defend Education @
Chesterfield College
Vote Yes
UCU’s industrial action ballot opened on Wednesday of this week and the ballot only remains open for 1 week.
· You will now have received your ballot paper.
· It is very important then that you vote and return
your ballot paper immediately.
UCU are strongly urging that you vote YES in the ballot.
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